Hanging Lake, Colorado
True to its name, Hanging Lake is tucked away on a high ledge in a narrow canyon. Scenic, to say the least, this precious jewel of a lake offers a just reward for all who hike the steep but short trail up.
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Emerald Pools Trail Zion National Park, Utah
Tent Rock Canyon Trails Jemez Mountains, New Mexico
Ptarmigan Lake Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Corona Arch Near Arches National Park, Utah
Hagerman Tunnel Sawatch Mountains, Colorado
Yellowstone River Overlook Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
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Monument Canyon Plateau Region, Colorado
Taylor Cabin Central Highlands, Arizona
Dinkey Lakes The Southern Sierra Nevada, California
The Ramp Chugach State Park and Anchorage Watershed, Alaska
Sand Ridge and the Five Lakes Basin The Sierra Nevada, California
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Castle Dome The Klamath Mountains, California
Seven-Mile Hole Central Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Mansell Mountain Western Acadia National Park, Maine
Heart Lake Latir Wilderness, New Mexico
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