Daily Dispatches [CLICK FOR INDEX] Pete Athans Rooftop of the World—Can't Climb Higher
Wed, May 5, 1999 (Nepal Time)
Everest Summit 29028'; 8850m)
Terry O'Connor: This is a report from Pete Athans from the top of the world just having recently completed his summit and radioed in and told us that he could not climb any higher. Stand by for Pete Athans. Pete is going to file a report over the radio. Stand by...

Summit Climb Pete Athans: Hey Mountain Zone, this is Pete Athans. I'm at the very rooftop of the world... [audio breaking up]

Terry O'Connor: Stand by...

Pete Athans: ...Very light... [inaudible audio]... waiting for a little bit of companionship, all by myself... a little bit of cloud off to... [satellite signal failed]

Editor's Note: with this climb, Pete Athans became the only non-Sherpa climber to reach the summit of Everest for the sixth time.


Climbing Summit

Summit Ridge

Mt Everest

On top