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Mystery of Kathmandu
Kathmandu - Friday, March 24, 2000

Wally Berg
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Mountain Zone, this is Wally Berg and I'm calling you early on the morning of the 24th of March, from a very familiar landmark here in Kathmandu; I'm calling you from the rooftop of the Hotel Tibet. Those of you that have been watching the Everest coverage on Mountain Zone over the last couple of years will remember this spot from some of our initial dispatches on the GPS Expedition as we were getting things ready to go here in Kathmandu.

So it's good to be back here with old friends at an old familiar spot here in the Kathmandu Valley. I'm looking at the mystery of Kathmandu on a thick, foggy, cool morning. You can see very little as I look out across from the rooftop; very pleasant temperature here, but certainly a thick cloud around the valley today.

Yesterday afternoon, not long after I got in from the airport, Lhakpa Rita and Ong Chu, who you will remember well from Alpine Ascents' Everest Expeditions over the years, along with Pasang Rita and Pemba, all of these guys are Thame Sherpas; they're from the village of Thame, at about 14,000 feet in the Khumbu — these guys came by the hotel to meet me. And it was good to see old friends and get back together with them, and to sit down and begin some of the preparations we'll be doing for the first order of business, of course, being the first Alpine Ascents' trek to Everest Base Camp.

In just a few days, the folks that are going to do this journey with us will arrive here in the valley and in the meantime, myself, and Pasang Rita and Pemba, especially, are going to be busy getting things ready to go; getting ready for that flight out to Lukla, which right now we have scheduled for the 29th.

I'll tell you a lot more about how things are developing. In the meantime, of course, all of the expeditions are showing up in town. There are a lot of friends about that I haven't run across yet, but I am hearing word that various people are around and I'm looking forward to seeing them, catching up on news and, as that happens, I'll certainly relate some stories back to Mountain Zone.

Wally Berg, Alpine Ascents Guide and MountainZone.com Correspondent

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