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Lovely Solstice Day
Monday, June 21, 1999 — 11:58am (PST)


Hi there gang, this is Scott Darsney with Alpine Ascents climbing team #7 now at 14,000 feet as of last night. We hooked up with Vernon and I managed to wrestle the cell phone away from him for a few minutes this morning. It was a little blustery last night, we had 50-60 knot winds that nearly blew down the kitchen, we had to have the tent pole.

We had some tired,and slightly dehydrated folk, but they are all doing great now. They are all well rested. We have a little window here at 14, it's quite lovely and it's solstice day. Vernon's moving up to 16 and we're going to try and do a little radio patch tonight and do some sing-alongs or something like that, so we'll try and figure that out. Anyway, that's about all for now. We're going to sign off and we'll catch up with you folks when Vernon hands off the radio after his summit bid. So, take care and this is Scott Darsney signing off with Alpine Ascents. See Ya

Alpine Ascents Guide Scott Darsney, Correspondent


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