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Smooth Times

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Pilot Peak near Cody.

23 MAR 2001
By Joe Hartney

Leg 5 couldn't have gone smoother if we planned every moment. We started off on another warm sunny day, had mostly good weather and enjoyed yet another beautiful area of Yellowstone. My only regret is that we did not see the elusive wolves that we keep crossing paths with.

Day 1 — Its good to be back. Starting a 10 day trip never felt so good. Mostly because of the less than stellar experience I had in town, I'm just happy to be out in the woods. It's like Neil Diamond says, "Don't know that I will but until I can find me a girl whose staying, won't play games around me, I'll be what I am, a solitary man." Most of the time, I think there's more to life than just the mountains. However the simple and predictable nature of life in the mountains is hard to beat after spending time back in society.

"I've come to the important conclusion that Neil Diamond is my co-pilot, and not just when I'm driving. "

Day 2 — We awoke to clouds and snow and decided to spend the day in camp. I feel like I'm finally relaxing into the 'wilderness mentality.' It's taken quite some time, but I feel it now. No distractions, just simple living.

Day 3 — Got moving today and passed our last exit point. We are perched on the edge of the Pelican Valley, a virtual wildlife zoo. The park is closed to motorized vehicles now and feels very deserted. It's pretty cool having an entire National Park to ourselves.

Day 4 — Camped in the Pelican Valley with an amazing view of hot springs, bison and coyotes. It just doesn't get any better than this.

Day 5 — Climbed over a small pass today toward the Lamar River. The area is mostly burned from the fires and thus provides excellent views.

Day 6 — We descended to the Lamar River as the intense sun heated up the day to summer-like temperatures. I'm kicking myself for not bringing the Hawaiian shirt on this leg, but spring has definitely sprung.

Day 7 — As luck would have it, we have ended up in Cooke City, Montana on St. Patrick's Day. One heck of a town and a great place to pay homage to our forefathers. I've come to the important conclusion that Neil Diamond is my co-pilot, and not just when I'm driving.

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